Seamlessly Transitioning
Great Managers into
High-Value Creating Executives
Ever wondered why newly appointed executive leaders find it such a challenge to transition to their new roles?
As managers, they were high performers. But, what made them effective in the past is no longer working, they’re struggling to meet their objectives, and consequently the teams they lead are underperforming as well.
You are not alone – according to studies, 83% of new executives globally feel unprepared for the different demands of their new roles – and up to 46% of them will be considered failures two years later!
The costs, to the person and to the organization, are high and the systemic implications are dire.

The shift from a manager to an executive is often considered to be the most challenging career move.
It is a tremendous personal challenge for a previously high-performing manager to transition into a new executive role.
Many are unaware of the extent to which the roles of manager and executive differ. And the gap often goes unnoticed until things start going really wrong, causing stress and anxiety to the individual and their teams, constraining organizational performance and growth.
Without the right guidance and support, it can take years to figure out.
What if there were a way to shorten the learning curve, so you can hit the ground running and make a positive impact, right from the start?
The truth is, it’s not that hard when you know how. With the right support, it’s possible to transform naturally from a great manager into an authentic, value-creating executive.
The key is the right support. Business school leadership programs and executive coaching are useful, but both are proven to leave important gaps in their approaches. These gaps can make all the difference between a great leader and a disappointment.
SupraLimina programs close these gaps, enabling accelerated learning and consistent growth.

You're new to an Executive role and feeling anxious about your ability to deliver. You don't know what's wrong, but you know something isn't right. You need to learn new ways to navigate and adapt to the demands of this level, but you don't know where to start. You want to be inspirational and respected for your contribution, but you're not sure how to achieve it...

Since engaging with others is shown to be the most effective way to learn, you may prefer an evolving, confidential platform exclusively for new Executives which provides a community where you can gain the professional guidance you need, network, learn, and grow professionally, all within a safe and understanding environment...
Keen to know more?
Take the first step and schedule a call.
You could be a newly appointed executive ready to make your mark as a confident, respected member of the Executive Team… Or you could be a C-suite Executive, committed to ensuring your senior managers add value as executives from the get-go…
We’ve assisted hundreds of executives, teams, and organizations in achieving goals like these, and we’re eager to do the same for you. Let’s start with an exploratory conversation.
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